1290 Avenue of the Americas
Trump owns 30% of several companies that each own a stake of 1290 Avenue of the Americas in New York City.
Commercial real estate
Reported Value: Greater than $50 million
Reported Income: Greater than $5 million
Ownership: 1290 Avenue of the Americas, A Tenancy-in-Common
27.8% owned by HWA 1290 V LLC
100% owned by Hudson Waterfront Asscoiates V LP
30% owned by Donald J. Trump
70% owned by ???
20.2% owned by HWA 1290 IV LLC
100% owned by Hudson Waterfront Associates IV LP
30% owned by Donald J. Trump
1% owned by Hudson Waterfront IV Corporation
100% owned by ???
69% owned by Hudson Westside Associates IV LP
100% owned by ???
52% owned by HWA 1290 III LLC
100% owned by Hudson Waterfront Associates III LP
30% owned by Donald J. Trump
1% owned by Hudson Waterfront III Corporation
100% owned by ???
69% owned by Hudson Westside Associates III LP
100% owned by ???