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{{Quotation|Traders in cocktail-party confidences can score points by announcing, "Larry did my teeth," referring to Dr. Larry Rosenthal, whose patients include Donald Trump, Kathie Lee Gifford and a long roster of socialites. […] "I'm not God," Dr. Rosenthal said. "I'm only a dentist." [...] According to the New York State division of professional licensing, Dr. Rosenthal's dental license was suspended for six months in 1987, although the agency would not reveal the reason. Dr. Rosenthal explained that he had been charged with a misuse of prescription forms to obtain sleeping and diet pills, but he maintained that the forms had been stolen and used by someone else. Dr. Rosenthal and his family spent last Easter in Palm Beach, Fla., as guests at Mr. Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. [...] "Did the Beatles know they were the Beatles?" he asked, pondering his legacy. "Did Muhammad Ali know he was Muhammad Ali? I'm not saying I'm in that league, but..." (New York Times, January 31, 1999)}}
  {{Quotation|Fifty-two minutes into Donald Trump's discussion of weighty issues with The Washington Post's editorial board came an interlude about his hands. "Normal," the Republican presidential front-runner insisted. "Strong." "Good size." "Great." "Fine." "Slightly large, actually." (''Washington Post'', March 21, 2016)}}
  {{Quotation|Fifty-two minutes into Donald Trump's discussion of weighty issues with The Washington Post's editorial board came an interlude about his hands. "Normal," the Republican presidential front-runner insisted. "Strong." "Good size." "Great." "Fine." "Slightly large, actually." (''Washington Post'', March 21, 2016)}}

Revision as of 14:45, 5 April 2017

Trump RNC Speech.jpg

Donald Trump is President of the United States. Trump holds the unfortunate distinction of winning the Presidency through the Electoral College despite a thumping loss of 2.9 million votes (a 2.1% margin).[1] So far, Trump has been consistently setting records as the most unpopular President in the history of polling.[2] But hey - if you like him... congrats. He's your president, and ours too.

Childhood and Family

All accounts seem to agree that Trump was an aggressive and violent child. Trump himself has written "I was a very assertive, aggressive kid" and has claimed he was almost expelled from school for punching his second-grade teacher in the face.[3] Trump's father backed up his assessment, telling reporters that his son "was a pretty rough fellow when he was small."[4] Trump's childhood neighbor has recounted an incident in which a young Trump was caught hurling rocks over the fence at a smaller child left unsupervised in a playpen.[5]

At the military academy where he attended high school, Donny grew taller, more muscular and tougher. Struck with a broomstick during a fight, he tried to push a fellow cadet out a second-floor window, only to be thwarted when two other students intervened. (Washington Post, June 22, 2016)
"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same," the 70-year-old presumptive Republican nominee once told a biographer. "The temperament is not that different." (Washington Post, June 22, 2016)
In his neighborhood, Donald and his friends were known to ride their bikes and "shout and curse very loudly," said Steve Nachtigall, who lived nearby. Nachtigall said he once saw them jump off their bikes and beat up another boy. "It's kind of like a little video snippet that remains in my brain because I think it was so unusual and terrifying at that age," recalled Nachtigall, 66, a doctor in New Jersey. "He was a loudmouth bully." (Washington Post, June 22, 2016)

Fred C. Trump

Mary MacLeod


Grade School (Queens)

For kindergarten, Donald went to the private Kew-Forest School, which required skirts for girls and ties and blazers for boys. Everyone had to rise when their teacher entered the classroom. (Washington Post, June 22, 2016)
The third of four children, Trump attended grade school in Queens and was then sent to Cornwall for high school. (Washington Post, November 15, 1984)
According to the book "Trump Revealed: An American Journey of Ambition, Ego, Money, and Power," by Washington Post reporters Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher, Trump attended the private Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills, N.Y., where he often got into trouble. He and his friends would disrupt class "with wisecracks and unruly behavior, such as throwing spitballs and playing racing chairs with desks." (Washington Post, November 13, 2016)

New York Military Academy

Near the end of seventh grade, Fred discovered Donald's knives and was infuriated to learn about his trips into the city. He decided his son's behavior warranted a radical change. In the months before eighth grade, Fred Trump enrolled Donald at the New York Military Academy, a boarding school 70 miles from Jamaica Estates. (Washington Post, June 22, 2016)


Just about every profile ever written about Mr. Trump states that he graduated first in his class at Wharton in 1968. Although the school refused comment, the commencement program from 1968 does not list him as graduating with honors of any kind. (New York Times, April 8, 1984)
"I took a lot of finance courses at Wharton," says New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump," and first they taught you all the rules and regulations. Then they taught you that those rules and regulations are really meant to be broken; it's the person who can create new ideas who is really going to be the success." (Forbes, March 9, 1987)

Career Overview

Early Career

Manhattan Developer

Eighties Tycoon

Financial Collapse



Great Recession

Current Business

Romantic Affairs

Melania Knauss

Melania Trump

Marla Maples

Marla Maples

Ivana Trump

Ivana Trump

Karen McDougal

Karen McDougal

Rowanne Brewer

Rowanne Brewer

Carla Bruni?

Carla Bruni

Nancy O'Dell?

Nancy O'Dell


Mrs. Trump says that, though they both work long hours, they try to spend two or three nights a week at home with the children, aged 6 years, 2 years and three months, but the social obligations do pile up. (New York Times, April 8, 1984)

Donald Trump Junior

Donald Trump Junior

Vanessa Haydon

Vanessa Haydon

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump

Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner

Eric Trump

Eric Trump

Lara Yunaska

Lara Yunaska

Tiffany Trump

Tiffany Trump

Barron Trump

Barron Trump


Mr. Trump assiduously cultivates a more conservative public image now, a gentleman of taste in a navy-blue suit with discreetly striped shirts and blue ties, who weekends with his family in Greenwich, Conn. Last spring he forsook the Hamptons, his former habitat, to buy an estate in the conservative community. His pastor, the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale of New York, avowed that he is “kindly and courteous in certain business negotiations and has a profound streak of honest humility.” (New York Times, August 7, 1983)
John Peale, 79, the minister's son, said he winces when Trump invokes his father's name, as the candidate has several times since launching his presidential campaign. "I cringe," Peale said in a phone interview. "I don't respect Mr. Trump very much. I don't take him very seriously. I regret the publicity of the connection. This is a problem for the Peale family." (Washington Post, January 22, 2016)
A bespectacled, avuncular figure, Peale was not prone to angry public outbursts. He was capable of expressing regret for a controversial statement, as was the case in 1960 when a coalition of ministers he chaired said John F. Kennedy's Catholicism made him unfit for the presidency. "Faced with the election of a Catholic," Peale said, "our culture is at stake." After a torrent of criticism, Peale disavowed the effort to undermine Kennedy and pledged to steer clear of politics. (Washington Post, January 22, 2016)
Trump's parents, Fred and Mary Trump, formally joined Peale's Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan - a venerable affiliate of the Reformed Church in America - during the 1970s. Trump visited Marble Collegiate with his second wife, Marla Maples. (Newspaper accounts have reported that Trump's adulterous relationship with Maples began at Marble Collegiate - "THEY MET IN CHURCH" was the New York Post headline - although Trump said in the interview that it all started at a party.) (Washington Post, January 22, 2016)

Personal Appearance


Mr. Trump has offered little in the way of an environmental policy during his presidential campaign, but on Wednesday he said that President Obama's concerns about the environment were infringing on his rights as a consumer. More pressing than saving the ozone layer, he suggested, was the freedom to buy aerosol hairspray. “You can't use hairspray because hairspray is going to affect the ozone,” Mr. Trump said during a rally in South Carolina. "They don't want me to use hairspray, they want me to use the pump." [...] Mr. Trump revealed that he had a strong preference for old-fashioned aerosol sprays. "It comes out in big globs, right, and it's stuck in your hair and you say, 'Oh my God, I've got to take a shower again, my hair is all screwed up,'" Mr. Trump lamented to a laughing audience. [...] For his part, Mr. Trump said that he did his spraying inside his well-sealed Manhattan penthouse, inflicting little damage on the atmosphere. "I don't think anything gets out," Mr. Trump said of the pollutants he emits while taming his hair. (New York Times, December 30, 2015)

His hair, a wonder on TV, is a riddle in person. None of his elaborately swirled locks appears to actually touch his head. The whole thing somehow hovers, like one of those high-end turntables that float on magnets and aren't attached to anything. (Washington Post, September 9, 2004)


Traders in cocktail-party confidences can score points by announcing, "Larry did my teeth," referring to Dr. Larry Rosenthal, whose patients include Donald Trump, Kathie Lee Gifford and a long roster of socialites. […] "I'm not God," Dr. Rosenthal said. "I'm only a dentist." [...] According to the New York State division of professional licensing, Dr. Rosenthal's dental license was suspended for six months in 1987, although the agency would not reveal the reason. Dr. Rosenthal explained that he had been charged with a misuse of prescription forms to obtain sleeping and diet pills, but he maintained that the forms had been stolen and used by someone else. Dr. Rosenthal and his family spent last Easter in Palm Beach, Fla., as guests at Mr. Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. [...] "Did the Beatles know they were the Beatles?" he asked, pondering his legacy. "Did Muhammad Ali know he was Muhammad Ali? I'm not saying I'm in that league, but..." (New York Times, January 31, 1999)


Fifty-two minutes into Donald Trump's discussion of weighty issues with The Washington Post's editorial board came an interlude about his hands. "Normal," the Republican presidential front-runner insisted. "Strong." "Good size." "Great." "Fine." "Slightly large, actually." (Washington Post, March 21, 2016)
Trump does, in fact, have unusually small hands. 15th percentile small. [...] The Hollywood Reporter measured his hand to be 7.25 inches from his wrist to the tip of his middle finger. [...] According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male's hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump's hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women. But bear in mind, that is the 15th percentile among all American men. Trump is tall - about 6-foot-3, half a foot taller than the 5-foot-9 average among American men, according to the Center for Disease Control. If Trump were compared to men of his stature rather than the public at large, his hands would comparatively be even smaller. (Washington Post, August 5, 2016)



Italian Suits

Hygiene and Diet


So Trump shakes dozens of hands these days, outwardly smiling, inwardly repulsed. [...] A shake even for a guy, recently, who'd just walked out of the men's room and strode by to say hello. “‘Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, I'm such a big fan,’” Trump recalls, sourly reliving the moment. "Now his hands are wet, and he's drying them off, shaking them in the air. Disgusting. But if I don't shake his hand, he'll be devastated. If I do, it won't be so bad. I just won't eat." He says this with a Jewish mother's resignation. "So, I shake his hand and I don't eat." (Washington Post, September 9, 2004)
The plan to bring two Americans stricken by the ebola virus back to the United States for treatment has sparked a backlash on social media from some people terrified that the incurable disease will spread here as it has in western Africa. "Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S.," Donald Trump tweeted Friday. "Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!" (Washington Post, August 1, 2014)


Junk Food

Sports and Recreation

Gun Registrations

Real estate tycoon Donald Trump owns two pistols, a Hechler & Koch .45 and a Smith & Wesson .38. Even though he is Donald Trump, and he often travels with bodyguards. “I’m licensed. I'm licensed in New York City,” Trump said in a phone interview, boasting that it’s “not an easy feat.” (Washington Post, March 29, 2015)


Compiling the net worth valuations for billionaires requires a huge amount of legwork and estimation, but determining their golf handicaps is a lot easier and far more precise. That's thanks to the U.S. Golf Association's online database. [...] One of the the lowest we saw: Donald J. Trump, who controls a few courses himself, at 4.4. (Forbes, March 26, 2007)
One morning in the mid-1990s, Mark Mulvoy was on the sixth hole of Long Island's Garden City Golf Club with Donald Trump when the skies opened, and they ducked for cover under a nearby awning. The rain let up a few moments later, and Mulvoy, then the managing editor of Sports Illustrated, returned to the green. When he got there, he found a ball 10 feet from the pin that he didn't remember seeing before the storm.

"Who the hell's ball is this?" he said. "That's me," the real estate mogul said, according to Mulvoy. "Donald, give me a f---ing break," Mulvoy recalls telling him. "You've been hacking away in the ... weeds all day. You do not lie there." "Ahh, the guys I play with cheat all the time," he recalls Trump replying. "I have to cheat just to keep up with them."

It's a story that the current Republican front-runner hotly denies. "I don't even know who he is," Trump said when asked about Mulvoy's account."I don't drop balls, I don't move balls. I don't need to." (Washington Post, September 5, 2015)
"The worst celebrity golf cheat?" the rock star Alice Cooper said in a 2012 interview with Q magazine. "I wish I could tell you that. It would be a shocker. I played with Donald Trump one time. That's all I'm going to say." ("I've never played with Alice Cooper," Trump said. "That's a terrible thing to say about people, especially me.") (Washington Post, September 5, 2015)
"Golf is like bicycle shorts: It can reveal a lot about a guy," said Rick Reilly, the sportswriter who hit the links with Trump for his 2004 book "Who's Your Caddy?" - in which Reilly lugged clubs for several of the world's best golfers and VIP amateurs. As for Trump? "When it comes to cheating, he's an 11 on a scale of one to 10," Reilly said. [...] Trump disputes Reilly's entire story as well: "I always thought he was a terrible writer," he said. "I absolutely killed him, and he wrote very inaccurately. I would say that he's a very dishonest writer.... I never took a gimme chip shot.... I don't do gimme chip shots. If I asked his approval, that's not cheating, number one. Number two, I never took one." (Washington Post, September 5, 2015)
Jonathan Carr spent the 2007 and 2008 golf seasons caddying at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. He remembers a gregarious club owner who treated the caddies with the utmost respect, a man who, despite lacking a "pristine" golf swing, played with a high level of skill and an even higher level of confidence. Carr never saw Trump come close to bending the rules, although he said everyone who caddied there had heard of that reputation. "The caddies would say, 'If I get on his bag, I'm going to make sure he always has a good lie,'" Carr said, meaning that even if Trump shanked a ball, the caddies would do what they could to place it on the fairway. (Washington Post, September 5, 2015)
Of all the things Donald Trump has been called on the campaign trail, this one might sting the most: golf cheat. Oscar De La Hoya says that's what he saw on the links when Trump joined up with his group at Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles two years ago. Trump, he said, cheated not once but twice in the space of two holes. "Yes, I caught him," De La Hoya said. "It was unbelievable. But I guess it was his course, so it was his rules." (New York Times, May 5, 2016)
A plaque at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., lists the nine men who have won the club's championship. One of the names will be familiar: "Donald J. Trump" was the champion in 1999, 2001 and 2009. Those are apparently 3 of the 18 club championships Trump claims to have won over the years. [...] But not all of those 18 championships were created equal, it seems. First off, Trump is listed as the 1999 club champion, but the course didn't have its official grand opening until Jan. 8, 2000, according to a contemporaneous Palm Beach Post report. The course did have what the Post called a "soft opening" on Nov. 1, 1999. [...] What about 2013? Trump tweeted with pride back in March 2013 about his victory in that year's club championship. But Trump's name is not listed on the plaque as the 2013 champion. In its place is "Tom Roush," who would later go on to win again in 2015 and 2016. The reason: Trump conveniently left out of a pretty important modifier. He didn't win the same club championship he had won previously, you see. Instead, Hicks told us, he won the senior club championship. (Washington Post, October 28, 2016)


Private Clubs

Donald Trump, developer of Trump Tower and Trump Plaza, recently was quoted in The Washington Post as saying: "I know one man who is one of the most successful men in New York, and he couldn't get a table at a restaurant. He's worth maybe four or five hundred million dollars, and he's standing at Le Cirque or one of them and he couldn't get a table. So I see him standing there and he's a little embarrassed and he says, 'Don, could you help me get a table?' So I got him a table. So he calls the next day and I said, 'No one knows you, you're very successful.' And he says, 'No, no, no, I like to keep a low profile.' That's great. But in the meantime he can't get a table in a restaurant. The man calls me back a week later. He wants to know the name of my public relations firm. And I said to him, 'Either you have it or you don't.'" [...] Miss Manners has lived her life, and plans to go on living it, under the following assumptions [...] That the United States is a democracy, and that being rich or famous does not mean that one is in a different class of citizenship, entitled to preferential treatment. If there are restaurants that do not subscribe to these ideas, Miss Manners wants neither to hear about them nor to dine in them. Miss Walters' behavior seems to her to be simple decency, and that of those who think either publicity or bribery the proper route to special treatment, pathetic. (Washington Post, Miss Manners column, January 27, 1985)

Sexual Assaults

Kristin Anderson

Kristin Anderson

Rachel Crooks

Rachel Crooks

Jessica Drake

Jessica Drake

Jill Harth

Jill Harth

Cathy Heller

Cathy Heller

Jessica Leeds

Jessica Leeds

Temple Taggart McDowell

Temple Taggart McDowell

Mindy McGillivray

Mindy McGillivray

Cassandra Searles

Cassandra Searles

Natasha Stoynoff

Natasha Stoynoff

Karena Virginia

Karena Virginia

Summer Zervos

Summer Zervos

Legal Violations

Securities Violations

Environmental Violations

Campaign Finance Violations

Civil Verdicts


Footnotes and Citations

  1. More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history. The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (CNN, December 22, 2016
  2. Trump’s current rating is a low not just for Trump’s presidency so far, but also for this point in any recent presidency. We’re on day 69 of the Trump administration, and his net approval rating — -11.1 — is by far the lowest of any of the past 13 presidents at this point. (Five Thirty Eight, March 29, 2017)
  3. Donald Trump, the new president-elect of the United States, once said he punched a teacher in the face when he was in the second grade. So did he? Here's what he wrote in his 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal": “Even in elementary school, I was a very assertive, aggressive kid. In the second grade I actually gave a teacher a black eye. I punched my music teacher because I didn't think he knew anything about music and I almost got expelled. I'm not proud of that, but it's clear evidence that even early on I had a tendency to stand up and make my opinions known in a forceful way. The difference now is that I like to use my brain instead of my fists.” (Washington Post, November 13, 2016)
  4. “He was a pretty rough fellow when he was small,” recalled his father, who packed off his obstreperous teen-age son to the New York Military Academy in Cornwall-on-Hudson for his high school education. According to some of his peers in the industry, Donald Trump has not really changed much from those boyhood days. (New York Times, August 7, 1983)
  5. Dennis Burnham was four years younger and lived around the corner from Donald. He inherited his own impression of his neighbor from his mother, who warned that he should "stay away from the Trumps." "Donald was known to be a bully, I was a little kid, and my parents didn't want me beaten up," said Burnham, 65, a business consultant in Texas. Once when she left Dennis in a playpen in a back yard adjoining the Trumps' property, Martha Burnham returned to find Donald throwing rocks at her son. "She saw Donald standing at the fence," Dennis Burnham said, "using the playpen for target practice." (Washington Post, June 22, 2016)